A new look is coming soon

Rahul is improving their portfolio page with a more modern look and feel

About Me

Hey, My name is Rahul. I love making the things that help others do their thing. I'm a Frontend Engineer specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional digital experiences.

My interest in web development started back in 2018 when I decided to play around with inspect elements, typing stuff on the console seeing it change the button on my Facebook was the coolest thing ever. I've been in love with the web & especially Frontend since then.

Let's Work  


Currently, I’m focused on building scalable enterprise procurement solutions at Procol. I’ve also had the privilege of working with a geospatial data intelligence company and several freelance clients.


I have a great taste in design. I am always looking to get creative even with simple ideas. I have designed all my freelance and personal projects.


I've worked with a variety of different languages, platforms, frameworks, and content management systems such as JavaScript, TypeScript, Gatsby, Next, React, WordPress, Sanity, and Netlify


I've worked with some awesome JavaScript testing frameworks like Cypress & Jest. As things scale up, It's crucial have e2e testing as a part of the process.

Nuff Scrolling! Let's Work
